The Indian Grassland and Fodder Research Institute (IGFRI), Jhansi established in 1962, has been instrumental in fostering research, training and extension programmes on all aspects of forage production and utilization through inter-disciplinary approach. It has three Regional Research Stations to cater to forage related location specific research and development in semi-arid and arid at Avikanagar, humid tropics at Dharwad and temperate at Srinagar/Palampur.
During 7th plan, Western Regional Research Station (WRRS) was started on September 21, 1987 at Avikanagar. It is located about 85 km away from Jaipur on Jaipur-Kekri-Bhilwara road within the campus of Central Sheep and Wool Research Institute, Avikanagar. The station is mandated to conduct research on range grasses and legumes, grassland management, varietal development of fodder crops, seeds production of range grasses/fodder crops and demonstrations of fodder technology. The station is having newly built well furnished office-cum-laboratory building and fully protected research farm of 60 acres. Its location is 27°17’N latitude and 75°22’E longitude at an elevation of 326 msl. The region gets average annual rainfall of about 600 mm extending over the period from July to September with few scattered showers during winter months from south-west monsoon. The soil of research farm is sandy in texture having bulk of density 1.5g/cc, water holding capacity 32.5%, pH above 8.0, electrical conductivity 0.54 dS/m and organic carbon 0.20 percent.

- Applied research on range species, fodder trees and cultivated fodder species.
- Seed production of range grasses, legumes and fodder tree species.
- Active coordination and collaboration with agencies involved in forage and livestock production.
- Transfer of technology
Thrust Area
- Germplasm enrichment, evaluation and maintenance of annual and perennial grasses and legumes for arid and semi-arid region.
- Genetic improvement of annual and perennial grasses and legumes for arid and semi-arid region.
- Development of forage production systems under semi-arid region. Seed production of range grasses and legumes.
- Transfer of technology to the end users.
Research Activities
Germplasm collection, evaluation and maintenance:
Two hundred fifteen accessions of Cenchrus species, 230 accessions of clusterbean and 71 accessions of pearl millet is being maintained at the station. These lines have been evaluated for important fodder traits and some promising lines have been identified for further evaluation and utilization in different agro-ecological conditions.
Silvi-pasture systems:
Under Neem based silvi-pastoral system in semi-arid region, green and dry fodder yield and rainfall use efficiency was found higher in 2:2 (Cenchrus ciliaris and Stylosanthes hamata) row ratio while, protein yield was more in 1:2 row ratio. The tree growth characters were not influenced by intercropping of pasture crops. Under Khejri (Prosopis cineraria) based silvi-pastoral systems, non-spiny khejri ‘Marushobha’ saplings planted along with range grasses and legumes viz. Cenchrus ciliaris and Cenchrus setigerus, Clitoria ternatea and Stylosanthes hamata sown in sole stand and in 1:1 row ratio were evaluated. khejri plant survival was 61 per cent. Green fodder yield at 50% flowering stage was higher under intercropping of grass and legume over sole cropping. The biological feasibility of crop combination of C. ciliaris + C. ternatea and C. setigerus + S. hamata was found greater in terms of forage yield.
Effect of nitrogen levels and bio-fertilizers on fodder and seed production of Cenchrus:
Sixty kg N/ha was found better for dry matter yield while, 40 kg N/ha gave better seed yield over control. Application of seed treatment with Azospirillum and Azotobacter increased seed yield significantly by 13.5% and 9.1%, respectively, over no seed treatment (0.139 t/ha). Application of 20 kg N/ha along with seed inoculation with either of bio-fertilizer gave seed yield equivalent to 40 kg N/ha.Package of practices for pearl millet variety AVKB-19:
Optimum green fodder, dry matter and grain yield was obtained with the application of 60 N kg/ha and sowing at 45 cm row distance. Highest green fodder was obtained in cut at 40 days after sowing while maximum stover and grain yield was obtained in uncut condition. Sole pearl millet crop gave highest stover yield (8.61 t/ha) while, higher grain yield was obtained in bajra+cowpea mix cropping (1.49 q/ha).Impact of growth promoters on seed quality in Cenchrus ciliaris:
Application of 2% KNO3 increased proportion of filled seed by 23.4%, 1000-seed weight by 17.0% and seed yield by 28.7% over control while, 4% KNO3 increased germination by 21.2% over control. Application of 50 ppm GA3 also showed significant increase proportion of filled seed by 17.0% and germination by 32.7% and seed yield by17.0% over control.Different grazing systems:
Rotational system of grazing gave highest fodder and CP yield as well as relative density of C. ciliaris followed by deferred system of grazing with lowest yield in cut & carry system. Highest organic carbon was observed in rotational system while, available N and P were highest in bare and cut & carry systems.Improving forage productivity through soil moisture conservation technique:
Cenchrus ciliaris, Clitoria ternatea, pearl millet and clusterbean as sole and combinations viz. C. ciliaris + clusterbean (1:1), Pearl millet + clusterbean (1:1), and C. ciliaris + C. ternatea (1:1) and three moisture conservation techniques i.e., dust mulch, mustard straw mulch (5 t/ha) and farmyard manure (5 t/ha) were evaluated. Each crop yielded higher green fodder in their sole stands while among the crop combinations, pearl millet + clusterbean and C. ciliaris + clusterbean/C. ternatea performed better. Forage yield was enhanced by 45.6%, 25.9%, and 14.7% with application of straw mulch, farmyard manure and dust mulch, respectively, over the control. C. ciliaris cropped with C. ternatea conserved more moisture as compared to other combinations
Seed Production
The centre has been assigned the responsibility of TFL and Breeder seed production of range grasses and fodder crops. 20.8 t seed of Cenchrus grass, 1.1 t of pearl millet and 0.8 t of clusterbean TFL seed has been produced and supplied to different organizations. The station has also produced 2.412 t breeder seed against the indent of 1.835 t of clusterbean and pearl millet varieties.
Testing location of All India Co-ordinated Trials:
The station has been serving as a testing location for different AICRP projects and conducted 57 trials of AICRP-FC, 6 trials of AICRP-Arid legumes, 8 trials of AICIP-Sorghum and 7 trials of AICIP-Wheat and Barley.Fodder technology demonstrations (FTDs) and other extension activities:
Seventy FTDs during Kharif on pearl millet, Sorghum and clusterbean and 32 FTDs during Rabi on oats, Lucerne and Berseem were conducted which covered 90 farmers and 72 villages in four districts of Rajasthan.Technologies Developed
Pearl millet dual type variety AVKB -19:
Avika Bajra Chari (AVKB-19) was developed through selection and was notified (OS 2187 (E) dt. 27-8-2009) for cultivation under tropical and sub-tropical area of North-West Zone (Haryana, Rajasthan, Punjab and Gujarat) of India. It has shown significant superiority in green fodder, dry matter and per day productivity over prevalent check varieties
Contact Person of Regional Research Station, Avikanagar (Rajashthan)
Contact Person: Dr. S.S. Meena
Email: Mobile: +91-9461642052