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Plant Animal Relationship (पौध पशु सम्बन्ध विभाग)


  • Plant Animal Relationship Division started operating in the year 1967 to carry out the research in forage evaluation, preservation and utilization for optimum and economical production in ruminants, including the small ruminants for effective use of pasture/grasslands. Keeping in view the projected demand and supply of feeds and fodders, scientists of this division are engaged in the multi-disciplinary research programme related to evaluation of newly developed forage varieties both in laboratory as well as in farm conditions with animals.


  • icon Inventory, characterization and documentation of range resources
  • icon Ecological evaluation of range species for different land use systems
  • icon Technology generation for establishment, improvement, management and utilization of grasslands/silvopastures/hortipastures


  • icon Nutritional evaluation of forage resources
  • icon Studies on animal feeding and rumen metabolism
  • icon Feeding management of livestock for sustainable economic production


  • icon Forage evaluation and chemistry
  • icon Animal nutrition and grazing research
  • icon Rumen fermentation
  • icon Livestock production & management


  • 1. Economic rations for livestock: Replacement of mustard cake N by 60% with berseem meal N and incorporation of NPN (0.75%) reduced feed cost by ₹ 16.32 to achieve unit (kg) body weight gain in Jalauni lambs.
  • 2. Ensiling of alternative forage resources: Green potato haulm could be conserved as silage (45% dry matter) with 2% molasses as additive. Green sugarcane top could be conserved as silage with or without additive. Silage prepared from Sehima nervosum IG02-703, IG02-713, IG99-191, IG-02-695-1, IG-99-198, IG2045-1 and BS-1 genotypes is of good quality as evident from their pH values
  • 3. Alternate fodder resources: [A] Thorn less cactus rich in energy and poor in crude protein may be utilized up to 25% in ruminant’s diets for their maintenance in drought and scarcity. Sole feeding is not recommended as it is high in water content and has laxative effect due to mucilage. [B] Sugarcane grass is perennial crop rich in energy and can meet crude protein requirement for maintenance when fed green. This has good ensiling potential as its silage has pH 4.0 and lactic acid 2.5%DM. Its silage is palatable at par to sorghum; however its nutrients utilization is marginally lower than sorghum.
  • 4. In vitro and in vivo evaluation of fodder and feeds: Four sorghum genotypes viz. PC-5, CSV 17, PVK-809 and SPV 1616 were selected for better stover quality attributes (more protein and higher in vitro dry matter digestibility). Sorghum hybrids, 685A x ICSR 89, 686A x GP 65072, 686A x GD 65195, 673A x GD 65 and 342A x SPV 1680 hybrids selected for higher protein, low fiber and intake, digestibility, energy and NE values for NEL, NEM and NEG.
  • 5. Conservation and improvement of Bhadawari buffaloes: Network Project on improvement and conservation of Bhadawari buffaloes was started in the year 2001. Lactation milk yield of 1500 kg in a lactation having 8.30 % milk fat has been achieved. Improved Bhadawari bulls as well as frozen semen are being supplied to various agencies and farmers for breed improvement. So far, 50 breeding bulls have been supplied to different agencies and out of about 13 Lakh semen doses frozen, 11 lakh doses already been disseminated in the field.
  • 6. Conservation and Improvement of Bundelkhandi Goat: Bundelkhandi goat is black coloured, medium sized goat, well adapted to harsh climatic condition of Bundelkhand region, primarily reared for meat purpose, mainly under extensive system. Adult goat (12 M) weigh 20.2 kg, daily milk yield is 550 ml, twinning is 22% and kidding % is 87.1%. To overcome limited availability of breeding bucks, selected bucks have been distributed in adapted villages of Jhansi and Datia districts. More than 70 households and 1800 goats registered so far. Breed registration is under progress.


  • The division is well equipped with modern equipment like atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS), high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), gas chromatography (GC) and UV-visible spectrophotometer to analyse feeds and forages for nutritional evaluation of fodder crops and environmental contaminants. Besides this, animal herd comprising of about 85 cattle, 144 buffaloes, 118 sheep and 102 goats are available for conducting on-station experiments. The Central Analytical Laboratory also caters to the need of scientists.


  • Developed area specific mineral mixture for dairy animals of Bundelkhand region based on mineral status of feed and fodders in region.
  • Developed complete feed blocks (comprised of 60% wheat straw, 30% mustard cake, 5% leaves and 5% molasses; fortified with 2% area specific mineral mixture) as strategic supplements to improve milk production.
  • For propagation of Bhadawari buffaloes in the field, 50 selected breeding bulls were supplied to different agencies for semen freezing. More than 14 lakhs semen doses frozen and 11.6 lakh were disseminated for AI, 14030 frozen semen doses deposited in National Animal Gene Bank at ICAR-NBAGR, Karnal.
  • Identification and registration of Cenchrus ciliaris tropical grass genotypes (IG96-50, IG96-96 and IG96-401) for ensiling
  • Developed process for organic fodder, feed and milk production. Certificate for the process of organic fodder production and animal feeding obtained from competent agency/authority (SGS Certificate number IN11350).
  • Polymeric polyphenolic compound isolated from Jatopha (J-7) reduced the in vitro methane production from 24.66 to 11.80 ml/g DDM from berseem without altering the DMD. On WS-berseem-concentrate diet addition of J-7 reduced the in vitro methane production from 25. 6 to 10.22 at 0.6 % level.
  • Addition of polymeric polyphenol compound (AM-5) isolated from Bale reduced the in vitro methane production from 72.10 to 54.42 and 42.03 to 33.91ml/g DDM from incubation of diets D1 (WS: berseem: CM) and D2 (WS: berseem: CM) respectively without affecting the DMD of diets.
  • Addition of polymeric polyphenol compound (AM-5) isolated from Bale reduced the in vitro methane production from 72.10 to 54.42 and 42.03 to 33.91ml/g DDM from incubation of diets D1 (WS: berseem: CM) and D2 (WS: berseem: CM) respectively without affecting the DMD of diets.

Project (ongoing)

Project Project title Team
PAR 4.1
Nutritional evaluation, improvement & utilization of newer feed resources for livestock production

K K Singh, Sultan Singh, V K Yadav, P Govind Raj, R Karuppiyan

PAR 4.2
Long term effect of different grazing intensities on soil health and pasture-animal productivity

S N Ram, S K Mahanta, Sultan Singh, Srinivasan R, J B Singh, Avijeet Ghosh

PAR 4.3
Feeding and management strategies to improve goat productivity under climate change

Deepak Upadhyay, K K Singh, Anup Kumar, Pooja Tamboli

PAR 4.4
Development of economic rations using forage legumes for livestock production

M M Das, K K Singh, Sultan Singh, P Sharma, Khem Chand

PAR 4.5
Screening and evaluation of tropical grasses diversity for yield, nutritive value and ensiling potential

Sultan Singh, K K Singh, Tejveer Singh R Srinivasan

PAR 4.6
Ensiled TMR (Total Mix Ration) for livestock production

M M Das, Sultan Singh, Anup Kumar, K K Singh and Pooja Tamboli.

PAR 4.7
Foraging Behaviour of Small Ruminants under Natural Grassland in Bundelkhand region

Pooja Tamboli, Deepak Upadhyay, Anup Kumar, N. Dikshit, K.K. Singh and M. M. Das

Externally funded

Project Project title Team
AICRP on Goat Improvement, Bundelkhandi Goat Unit

Deepak Upadhyay, B P Kushwaha, Pooja Tamboli

Performance recording and improvement of Bhadawari buffaloes

B P Kushwaha, Sultan Singh, Deepak Upadhyay


Scientific Staffs

S.No. Name Designation Discipline
Dr. Purushottam Sharma
Head & Principal Scientist
Livestock Production & Management
Dr. K. K. Singh
Head & Principal Scientist
Animal Nutrition
Dr. B. P. Kushwaha*
Principal Scientist
Animal Genetics and Breeding
Dr. M. M. Das
Principal Scientist
Animal Nutrition
Dr Prakash Narayan Dwivedi
Principal Scientist
Animal Nutrition
Dr. Sultan Singh
Principal Scientist
Animal Nutrition
Dr. Deepak Upadhyay
Livestock Production & Management
Mr. Pushpendra Koli
Agricultural Chemicals
Dr. Anup Kumar
Agricultural Chemicals
Dr. Pooja Tamboli
Livestock Production & Management

Technical & Administrative Staffs

S.No. Name Designation
Sh. Shyam Murari
Assistant Chief Technical Officer
Sh. P. C. Gehlot
Assistant Chief Technical Officer
Sh. Dushyant kumar Niranjan
Assistant Chief Technical Officer
Dr. Anjaly M.V.
Senior Technical Officer
Sh. Arun Prajapati
Technical Assistant
Sh. Uttam Singh Verma
Technical Assistant