Himachal Pasturelands ICAR-Indian Grassland and Fodder Research Institute Palampur-176061. Himachal Pradesh, India.
It is continuously carrying out need based research to boost the grassland restoration and conservation; collection, maintenance, evaluation native grasses and forages; and improvement in productivity and quality of temperate fodder crops using modern biological tools for sustainable livestock production in the region.
The station has in possession about 15 acres of land, well maintained forage garden. The station also signed Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with CSK Himachal Pradesh Agriculture University, Palampur to carry out collaborative research activities. The station is devoted to address the issue related to grassland and fodder productivity and quality of the forages in a sustainable way with a mission to fulfill the quality fodder need throughout the year in the North-Western Himalayan region through basic and modern scientific research.

- Collection, evaluation, introduction and documentation of temperate and sub – temperate forage germplasm
- Evaluation of high yielding and nutritive forage crop varieties
- Developing technologies for improving the grassland agro-resource management practices to sustain livelihood and Himalayan environment

Thrust Areas
- Introduction of improved plant types
- Management strategies for improving forage resources
- Improvement in feeding, post-harvest technology

Technology Development
- Establishment of improved pasture in degraded land (grassland restoration)
Under the research project “National Initiative on Climate Resilient Agriculture (NICRA)-Strategic Research: Impact assessment of climate change on fodder production, grazing and rangeland & ecosystem and mitigation strategies” An area of 1.5 acre (degraded land) which was producing 1.25 t DM/ha converted in to improved pasture by transplanting perennial grasses and sowing of white clover. After introducing the perennial grasses, it produced 6.50 t DM/ha. - Establishment of Golden jubilee Forage Garden for collection, evaluation and conservation for native forage crops of North-Western Himalaya
Golden jubilee Forage Garden has been established at the station for collection, evaluation and conservation of different grasses and fodder crops particularly from the Himalayan region. Forage Graden has collection of diverse perennial and annual grasses, legumes, cereals, trees and other cultivated fodder crops. Farmers, researchers and official visit the forage garden throughout year. - Forage Technology Demonstration (FTD) Kharif and Rabi season
Forage Technology Demonstration (FTD) Kharif and Rabi season has been conducted in farmer field in different region of Himachal Pradesh. - Evaluation of various fodder crops for their productivity, nutritional, and abiotic & biotic stress tolerance
Various fodder crops (white clover, oats, Brachiaria, Tall fescue, Finger millet) have been evaluated for their productivity, nutritional, and abiotic & biotic stress tolerance. - Production and distribution of good quality fodder seed production and distribution
Station is dedicated to produce good quality fodder seed in sufficient quality and ensure its distribution among the end users. Vegetative propagules (root slips etc.) of Napier, Brachiaria, Setaria and Paspalum etc. made available to the end user on demand.
Major achievements
- Genetic improvement of white clover (Trifolium repens L.) for quality, persistence and higher herbage production in the Himalayan pastures.
- Evaluation of white clover and perennial grasses germplasm: Accessions of white clover and perennial grasses such as Lolium, fescue, guinea Brachiaria were planted and established for their evaluation under mid Himalayan region.
- National Initiative on Climate Resilient Agriculture (NICRA)-Strategic Research: Impact assessment of climate change on fodder production, grazing and rangeland & ecosystem and mitigation strategies.
- Evaluation of locally available plants for feeding of hill animals.
- Development of value added feed products for different categories of livestock and their storage
- Performance of Multicut Oat Cultivars Under Different Cutting Managements in Irrigated Sub Tropics of Jammu
Projects (Completed)
- Genetic improvement of white clover (Trifolium repens L.) for quality, persistence and higher herbage production in the Himalayan pastures.
- Integrated Pest Management in different forage production systems in various regions of India
- National Initiative on Climate Resilient Agriculture (NICRA)-Strategic Research: Impact assessment of climate change on fodder production, grazing and rangeland & ecosystem and mitigation strategies
- Evaluation of locally available plants for feeding of hill animals: Interinstitutional (ICAR-IVRI, Palampur)
Programmes/Projects (Ongoing)
- NABARD funded Project: Community Fodder Interventions for Dairy Development
- Studies of natural farming practices in forage crops
- Characterization and multiplication of forage crops CRP on agrodiversity (Component 1; Project No. 1014055; Project code: 17813230004
- Impact of fodder and livestock technologies on livelihood farmers of SCSP (CRSCIGFRISIL202110502xxxxx)
- Evaluation, conservation and management of genetic resources
- Agronomical trait(s) improvement in forages using plant associated microbes from the North-Western Himalaya (CRSCIGFRISIL20221101xxxxx)
Staff Position

Officer incharge (OIC)
Principal Scientist (Livestock Production and Management)
Research Area: Grassland management and animal production Email: Sudesh.radotra@icar.gov.in

Scientist (Agricultural Biotechnology)
Research Area: Biotechnology, molecular Biology; Molecular Plant-microbes interactions; “omics” studies, Gene mining & Genetic engineering, biotic and biotic stress molecular biology
Email: surinder.paul@icar.gov.in
(Google scholar link): https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=ceIMIccAAAAJ&hl=en)