The Division was established in 1967 with an aim to utilize exotic and indigenous genetic resources through breeding and selection for improving the forage productivity and nutritive value of different cultivated and pasture species from different agro-climatic regions in India. Fodder crop improvement involves multi-disciplinary integrated approach for development of high yielding varieties as well as developing materials and information through strategic and basic research. Main fodder crops include cultivated dual purpose cereal/grain crops, annual legumes, as well as perennial grasses (cultivated/rainfed) and range legumes.
Collection, evaluation, characterization, documentation and conservation of forage genetic resources.
Development of high yielding nutritive varieties, tolerant to biotic and abiotic stress and suitable for different agro- climatic conditions.
Basic research relevant to forage crop improvement.
Thrust Areas:
Collection, characterization, utilization and conservation of forage plant genetic resources of grasses & legumes, wild relatives of cultivated crops especially from problem areas.
Development of high yielding, nutritive forage varieties tolerant to biotic and abiotic stresses.
Identification and utilization of molecular markers for desirable traits such as apomixis, disease tolerance, drought and salinity tolerance and development of transgenics.
Physiological and biochemical studies on abiotic stress such as moisture, heat, salinity and light in forage crops.
Micro-organisms/ pest diversity and their eco-friendly management.
Facilities Available:
A well-equipped Bio-technology and molecular biology laboratory with Flow cytometer, Gene sequencer, PCR and RT-PCR, Gel documentation system, Spectro-photometer, water purification system, Stereozoom, Dissecting, Florescent and Differential Interference Contrast Microscopes, Deep freezers, Laminar flow, Grasses and legumes Tissue culture facility
Plant protection laboratory
DUS testing laboratory with nutritional quality testing instruments
Net Houses, Fly proof-Net house, and Glasshouses
Major working groups:
Plant Genetic Resources
Plant Breeding
Biotechnology and Biochemistry
Plant Protection

Thrust Areas:

Facilities Available:

Major working groups: