Project Code | Project Title | RPF – 1 |
CI 1 | Collection, evaluation and maintenance of genetic resources of forage crops | RPF-1 |
CI 1.6 | Enrichment, evaluation, conservation and documentation of genetic resources of perennial forage grasses | RPF-1 |
CI 2 | Production and quality breeding in cereal fodders | |
CI 2.6 | Genetic improvement of sorghum under different use patterns | RPF-1 |
CI 2.7 | Development of dual purpose maize | RPF-1 |
CI 2.8 | Development of high yielding dual and multicut fodder oats | RPF-1 |
CI 2.9 | Development of pearl millet and bajra-napier hybrid for high biomass production | RPF-1 |
CI 2.10 | Genetic improvement of barley for forage and grain yield | RPF-1 |
CI 2.11 | Genetic improvement of dual purpose stay green pearl millet | RPF-1 |
CI 3 | Breeding superior varieties of cultivated fodder legumes | |
CI 3.8 | Genetic improvement in fodder cowpea, Vigna ungiculata with special reference to resistance to pests | RPF-1 |
CI 3.10 | Genetic improvement of berseem for root rot resistance, late maturity and biomass | RPF-1 |
CI 4 | Breeding superior varieties of pasture species for yield and persistance | |
CI 4.5 | Genetic improvement of guinea grass for higher biomass production and tolerance to abiotic stresses | RPF-1 |
CI 5 | Cytogenetic studies in forage and pasture species | |
CI 5.4 | Basic studies on apomixis and generation of cytogenetic stocks in Pennisetum and Panicum agamic complex | RPF-1 |
CI 6 | Genetic improvement of forage species through biotechnological methods | |
CI 6.7 | Identification of molecular markers for apomixis /sexuality in Cenchrus ciliaris | RPF-1 |
CI 6.8 | Development of molecular markers database in forage grasses with special reference to stress responsive EST-SSRs | RPF-1 |
CI 6.9 | Identification of functional markers for drought tolerance in Pearl millet | RPF-1 |
CI 7 | Physiological and biochemical studies in forage crop improvement | |
CI 7.11 | Biochemical and molecular approach for characterization of drought tolerant forage Sorghum | RPF-1 |
CI 8 | Studies on disease, insect pests and nematodes and their management for increased forage production | |
CI 8.20 | Integrated disease management for root rot and dry rot in cowpea | RPF-1 |
CI 8.23 | Exploration of resistant mycoflora of root and stem rot patho system and development of suitable formulation for disease management in berseem | RPF-1 |
CI 8.24 | Integrated Pest Management in intensive forage Production System | RPF-1 |
CI 8.25 | Management of nematodes and fungal pathogens associated with root rot complex of cowpea | RPF-1 |
CI 8.26 | Management of nematodes and fungal pathogens associated with root rot of cowpea | RPF-1 |
CI 8.27 | Collection and characterization of bio-diversity in insect pests, pathogens and nematodes of fodder crops | RPF – 1 |