Agricultural Knowledge Management Unit (AKMU)

Vide Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi office order, in every ICAR Institutes; the Agricultural Knowledge Management Unit (AKMU) has been responsible for computerization and implementation of Information Technology (IT).
Presently at IGFRI, Jhansi, the AKMU has developed the robust structure of Local Area Network (LAN) using multi-core Optical Fiber backbone with Manageable CISCO Layer -3 and Layer-2 Switches with CAT-6 cables for distribution of Internet Connectivity at 145 active nodes in entire Institute. ICAR-IGFRI, Jhansi Network is based on Star Topology.
IGFRI, Jhansi is a partner of National Knowledge Network (NKN) Project of National Informatics Centre (NIC), Govt. of India, New Delhi for sharing research information through online database and website. Under this project NIC-NKN has provided 100 mbps lease line from New Delhi to ICAR-IGFRI, Jhansi using the media of RailTel. AKMU is broadcasting this High Speed Internet facility at 152 active nodes of three Research and Administrative Wings (Crop Improvement Divisions, Crop Productions Division, Plant & Animal Relationship Division, Grassland & Silvipasture Management Division, Seed Technology Division Farm Machinery & PHT Division and Social Science Division), Administrative Wing-I (Director’s Cell, Audit Section, Establishment Section, Bill & Cash Section, Store Purchase Section, Physical Store Section, Recruitment Section, Office of Senior Adm. Officer/HOO, Office of FAO, Library Section, Conference Hall, Committee Room and Training Hall), Supporting Sections (PME Cell, AKMU Office, HRD Unit, ATIC Cell, ITMU Cell, Security Office & ABI) and Administrative Wing-II (Hindi Cell, Estate Section and CMD Unit).
The AKMU at IGFRI, Jhansi is also maintaining in house Web Server (Dell 2800 ML Server using MS Server 2012 Operating System), the domain name IGFRI Website is registered as using NIC static IP. The Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi has implemented ICAR Online ERP System for Information Management System (MIS) and Financial Management System (FMS) using Oracle JAVA for database and ASP.Net for front pages. This project is being technically supported by IBM. At IGFRI, Jhansi ICAR ERP Online System is being monitored and implemented by AKMU. Shri Kailash Prakash Rao, Chief Technical Officer (IT) has been designated as “Liaison Officer for ICAR ERP Online System” and ICAR-IASRI, New Delhi has nominated as “FMS Administrator” for this system. The role of FMS Administrator to switch the responsibility of staff related to their working Sections. AKMU is playing very vital role in coordination of ICAR MIS-FMS System among Institute’s Establishment Section for HRMS module, Store Section for Assets & Purchase module, Bill & Cash Section for Bill Creation & Payroll module and Audit Section for final payment and bill validation.
Creation of Externally Funded Project and uploading of Head-wise Budget in ICAR ERP Online System is maintained by AKMU solely. The concept of Biometrics based Attendance System has been introduced by AKMU in 2013, now total 05 Nos. of Biometrics machines are being maintained by AKMU (03 Nos. machines at IGFRI Premises and 02 Nos. at Central Research Farm).
The Computer & Software related technical problems and their repairing are also being managed by AKMU at Institute level.

Present Staff Position:
Dr. J.P. Singh, PS & I/c AKMU
Shri Kailash Prakash. Rao, Chief Technical Officer (IT)
Er. Pawan Kumar, Technical Officer (IT)