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Agriculture Technology Information Centre (ATIC)

iconPrice list of IGFRI publications
iconPrice list IGFRI 2015-16 Dated 03-08-2015
iconIGFRI : Sale Price & Fodder Seed tock
iconFodder Seed Stock

Kissan Call Centre at ATIC Telephonic enquiry using
Tel. No.: 0510-2730241

Contact Us

Nodal Officer, ATIC
Indian Grassland and Fodder
Research Institute
Jhansi 284003

Fax: 0510-2730833

The ATIC is working at IGFRI since Jan. 2013. The objective of establishment of ATIC, in general are

iconTo provide diagnostic services for soil and water testing, plant and livestock health;
iconTo supply research products such as seeds and other planting materials, livestock related, from the institution for testing and adaptation by various clientele;
iconTo provide information through published literature and communication materials as well as audio-visual aids ;
iconTo generate some resource through the sale of their technologies /products.

During this year following activities were undertaken :

iconProduct sale ” Sale and distribution of literature (Rs.34095=00).

iconSale of institute’s products such as seed, root-slips or any other planting material (Rs. 29737=00).

iconSale of value added fodder products (Rs. 534=00).

iconThe total revenue generated through ATIC was Rs. 64, 366 during 2013-14.

iconDiagnostic services with help of concerned Central Analytical Laboratory (CAL)

Advisory services :

iconVisits: The 758 visitors visit was conducted by ATIC during the period, which includes farmers, government organizations, NGO, private companies officials etc. and were exposed to the technologies of IGFRI, Jhansi.

icon Kisan Call Centre: The hundred and nine phone calls, seven postal and nine email queries were made were made by the farmers, dairy owners, land developers, government organizations and private companies for asking their problems. and replied.

icon Farmers Scientific Co-ordination committee meets every Wednesday, during which the queries of farmers, dairy owners, land developers, government organizations and private companies are replied.

icon Publications: The ATIC published pumphlets (22) and leaflets (08).

List of available products and their price for sale

S. No.Products / technologiesPrice
1Area specific mineral mixtureRs. 65 / kg
2Semen straws from Bhadawari buffaloesRs. 10 / dose
3Grass balesRs. 300/ q
4Feed pelletsRs. 16/ kg
5Vermi-compost andRs. 7.0 / kg
6EarthwormsRs. 200 / kg
7Subabool leaf mealRs. 12 / kg

Activities of ATIC, IGFRI


icon Sale and distribution of literature

icon Sale of institute’s products such as seed, root-slips or any other planting material.

icon Sale of value added fodder products
icon To conduct visits of farmers or any other clients

icon Exhibition of technologies in ATIC compound. ¢ Diagnostic services with help of concerned CAL

icon To conduct farmers visits

Advisory services

icon Objective of ATIC, IGFRI

icon Single Window Approach for the farmer.

Scientific Advisory Committee for Farmers at ATIC

On every Wednesday at 11.30 am following scientific advisory committee is available for farmers at ATIC

S. No.SubjectName of the Scientist
1AgronomyDr. D. Palsania
2Plant BreedingDr. V.K.Yadav
3LPM Dr. P.Sharma
4Home ScienceDr. Sadhna Pandey
5HorticultureDr. Sunil Seth

Economics Benefits of Fodder Crops/ Seeds

icon Economics of Berseem Seed Production

icon Economics of Dinanath Grass Seed Production

icon Economics of Oat Seed Production

English Publications

iconSoil Biodiversity under Forage Production System

iconBundelkhand Region Agricultural Perspective

iconWater Productivity in Forage Crops and Livestock

iconBiotechnological Approaches for forage Crops Improvement: Prospects, Achievements and Road Map

iconPhysical Hortipastural Models their Management and Evaluation

iconOrganic Feeding System For Milk and Meat Products

icon46 Foundation Day Lecture 1st Nov. 2007

icon48 Foundation day Lecture 1st Nov. 2009

icon50 Foundation day Lecture. 1st Nov. 2011

iconPost Graduate Research at IGFRI

iconIGFRI White clover Germplasm Catalogue

iconIGFRI Cowpea Germplasm Catalogue

iconIGFRI Guinea Grass Germplasm Catalogue

iconIGFRI Forage Maize Germplasm Catalogue

iconIGFRI Forage Sorghum Germplasm Catalogue

iconIGFRI Stylo Germplasm Catalogue

iconIGFRI Tryst with Destiny Golden Jubilee Publication (Avikanagar)

iconIGFRI Vision 2025

iconIGFRI Vision 2030

iconTryst with Destiny Research Initiatives for Fodder Resource Development in North Western Himalaya (J & K and HP)

iconForage Research…… Perspective Natural Resources Optimization – A Development Approach

iconAnnual Report 2010-11

iconAnnual Report 2009-10

iconAnnual Report 2007-08

iconAnnual Report 2006-07

iconNutritive value—ruminants

iconForage production technologies for arable lands

iconBhadawari buffaloes Forage crops and their management

iconForage crops varieties

iconYear at a glance 2006-07

iconYear at a glance 2008-09