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ICAR-IGFRI, Jhansi is a premier R&D institution in South Asia for sustainable agriculture through quality forage production for improved animal productivity. It is serving the nation over 50 years in the mandated area of conducting basic, strategic, applied and adaptive research; development and training in forage production and its utilization. The Institute has highly experienced and internationally trained human resources engaged in need-led, participatory, inter-disciplinary approaches and providing technologies, human resource development skills, consultancy and technical services to government and non-government organizations, agri-business and farmers on all aspects of forage production and utilization.  It has three Regional stations to cater to forage related location specific R&D needs of humid tropics (at Dharwad), semi-arid and arid (at Avikanagar) and temperate (at Srinagar/ Palampur). The Institute has well equipped laboratories to meet the emerging challenges in the niche areas of forage research with central experimental research farms spread over 900 acre. The institute has recently been entrusted with the responsibility from Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) under its National Agriculture Innovation Fund (NAIF) to support Agri-business Incubators. ICAR-IGFRI, Jhansi envisages facilitating incubation of new startup/entrepreneurs & enterprises for innovative technologies by providing need based physical, technical, business and networking support, facilities and services to test and validate their venture before successful establishment of enterprises.

ICAR-IGFRI, Jhansi is a premier R&D institution in South Asia for sustainable agriculture through quality forage production for improved animal productivity. It is serving the nation over 50 years in the mandated area of conducting basic, strategic, applied and adaptive research; development and training in forage production and its utilization. The Institute has highly experienced and internationally trained human resources engaged in need-led, participatory, inter-disciplinary approaches and providing technologies, human resource development skills, consultancy and technical services to government and non-government organizations, agri-business and farmers on all aspects of forage production and utilization.  It has three Regional stations to cater to forage related location specific R&D needs of humid tropics (at Dharwad), semi-arid and arid (at Avikanagar) and temperate (at Srinagar/ Palampur). The Institute has well equipped laboratories to meet the emerging challenges in the niche areas of forage research with central experimental research farms spread over 900 acre. The institute has recently been entrusted with the responsibility from Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) under its National Agriculture Innovation Fund (NAIF) to support Agri-business Incubators. ICAR-IGFRI, Jhansi envisages facilitating incubation of new startup/entrepreneurs & enterprises for innovative technologies by providing need based physical, technical, business and networking support, facilities and services to test and validate their venture before successful establishment of enterprises.


To promote and support the entrepreneurship ecosystem in fodder


  1. Admission of Incubatee
  2. Technological Mentoring Facilities & Services
  3. Product Prototype Development
  4. Test Marketing of Products through IGFRI Facilities/ Outsourcing on Pilot Scale
  5. Product Refinement
  6. IP protection & Management
  7. Initiation by incubatee for starting their business


Stage 1:- Invitation of technology from mentors

Stage 2:-

    1. Invitation of interest of entrepreneurs / Display on website
    2. Application submission
    3. Interview / video conferencing along with ABI committee and mentors
    4. Credentials of Incubatees

Stage 3:- Brief details of technology from mentors based on application/ video conferencing

Stage 4:- Recommendation of the committee

Stage 5:- Approval from competent authority

Stage 6:- 

    1. Letter of admission to the selected candidates
    2. Acceptance of agreement by the incubatee for IGFRI-ABI
    3. Admission fee payment (Rs 1000)

Stage 7:- Technology package from mentors

Stage 8:- Finalization of License, royalty formalities and work share

Stage 9:- Incubation phase

Stage 10:- Work progress (monthly/ quarterly/yearly)

Stage 11:- Completion of legal formalities before technology handover

Stage 12:- Exit of incubatee  

Stage 13:- Start of business by incubatee

Stage 14:- Yearly audit by IGFRI (for sale and royalty)


Technological mentoring

Scientists working in ICAR-IGFRI will provide mentorship to the entrepreneurs in their respective areas of expertise during incubation period at the institute. Mentors will help in ideation, prototype development, product refinement, pilot scale up gradation.

Capacity building and training

Institute has well developed laboratories and infrastructure for conducting hands on training on fodder-based technologies. Entrepreneurs can come with their idea and can develop prototype and product on laboratory scale. Further product can be refined based on feedback from concerned stakeholders.

Intellectual property management

ICAR-IGFRI will help entrepreneurs in protection of intellectual property issues arise during the period of incubation at institute. Mentors will help in filing the patent of process/product developed during incubation.

Funding facilitation

Entrepreneurs will be helped during preparation of Detailed Project Report (DPR) of their business plan, pitch preparation and project presentation to attract angel investors/ financial organizations. Linkages will be developed among entrepreneurs and government funding agencies.

Incubation services

Following service will be provided to the entrepreneurs at the incubation centre

    1. Technology mentorship
    2. Computer and internet services
    3. Office space
    4. Laboratory scale production facility
    5. Backward and forward linkages

Business Development and Support

ICAR-IGFRI will provide technological support to the startups during incubation and after exit of incubatee for further up gradation and expansion of business.


  1. Entrepreneurship on certified fodder seed production
  2. Entrepreneurship on Silage preparation using different fodder crops
  3. Organic dairy farming
  4. Entrepreneurship on Bio-fertilizer preparation
  5. Entrepreneurship on scientific Goat farming
  6. Entrepreneurship on B-N hybrid cultivation in High density nursery
  7. Cultivation and propogation of perennial grass for soil conservation in dams and highway
  8. Entrepreneurship on establishment of Fodder bank
  9. Entrepreneurship on Area specific mineral mixture for livestock of Bundelkhand
  10. Entrepreneurship on formulation of feed for different category of livestock and establishment of feed unit
  11. And many more


  1. People with innovative and novel ideas in fodder production and utilization to be translated into entrepreneurship.
  2. People willing to start entrepreneurship on available IGFRI technologies.
  3. Entrepreneurs/enterprises who are already running their startups or businesses and want to further refine, modify, advance and value addition in their products
  4. Enterprises want to add new ventures in fodder production and utilization
  5. People/firms which want IGFRI services/facilities (consultancy, mentorship, technical and IP management etc.), support and/or handholding.


Applications are accepted online. Click the link to apply


  1. Invitation of interest of entrepreneurs / Display on website
  2. Online application submission
  3. Interview / video conferencing with ABI committee and mentors


Selected applicants will have to deposit the registration fees Rs. 1000/- at IGFRI-ABI.


The incubation fees will vary depending upon the incubation period, technology and services used.
The incubation fee will be decided upon receipt of complete work proposal.



Principal Investigator:

Co- Principal Investigator:

Co- Principal Investigator:

Co- Principal Investigator:

Co- Principal Investigator:

Co- Principal Investigator:

Co- Principal Investigator:

Co- Principal Investigator:

Technical Assistant:

Dr.Vijay Kumar Yadav, Director

Dr. Prabha Kant Pathak, Principal Scientist

Dr. SR Kantwa, Principal Scientist

Dr. Tejveer Singh, Principal Scientist

Dr. Amit Kumar Singh, Scientist

Dr. Deepak Upadhyay, Scientist

Er. Amit Kumar Patil, Scientist

Dr. Prabha Singh, Scientist

Dr. Biswa Bhaskar Chaudhary, Scientist

Shri K P Rao, CTO